Production is officially underway on “That Paradise Place,” an experimental and erotic puppet musical about the love, sex, and fantasy lives of artists with disabilities, slated to debut in fall 2024.

We are looking for bold, New York-based creatives who identify as having a disability to share a personal story about romance, eroticism, or intimacy. The story can be based on a lived experience, an imaginary reverie, or anything in between. Selected artists will be cast as storytellers whose tales will be adapted into original songs and performed by puppets in the final show! All storytellers will be paid for their time. 

First, storytellers will participate an interview with writer Priscilla Frank, who will deeply listen to their story. Then they will work together to turn their testimony into a song in the style of the storyteller’s choosing — whether a Broadway ballad or techno bop — which will be fully produced, mixed, and mastered. 

This storyteller will also design their very own puppet alter ego to tell the story, thus protecting their anonymity while providing a layer of freedom and expression. The storyteller will work with a team of artists to bring their puppet to life. 

In October 2024, the storyteller will have the unique opportunity to see their personal story performed onstage by a talented group of performers and puppeteers!

Please apply and share this opportunity with your community! We are an inclusive production looking for a diverse array of artists in terms of age, gender, sexual identity, abilities, race, and background. Email and we will set up a very casual interview. If you don’t feel comfortable emailing, call 917-420-3863. Think about which story you want to share ahead of time so you can talk about it in your interview!

There will also be many other chances for artists to get involved, so if storytelling isn’t for you, sit tight! We will be looking for musicians, puppeteers, visual artists, and more in the new year.